Berkeley Community Acupuncture is a Chinese medical clinic founded, owned, and operated by Thuy Nguyen since 2007. BCA offers the highest quality of Chinese medicine in a community setting at sliding scale prices. BCA is more than a place to go when you are sick—it is also a space and community that supports ongoing wellness, and inspires health on deep and connected levels.


Everything is medicine

At BCA, we say Everything is Medicine. This is not just a philosophy, it's a living practice that guides and informs our treatments and lives. We believe if we engage with all aspects of our lives and what is presenting itself to us with humility, the outcome is a healthy, nourished and fulfilled life full of joy, connection, magic, and ease.





  • … Joy is living fully, feeling fully and surrendering to the play of life. Joy is the light that shines when we move through the world with ease and trust, as the expression of who we are. Joy doesn’t always look like rainbows and smiles. Joy means being present to what shows up. At BCA we are a colorful and inspiring collective of individuals with our compass pointed towards Joy.



  • … the understanding that everything is connected, internally as well as externally. Internally, mind-body-spirt. Externally, person-family-community. That is why at BCA, we say: Heal Yourself, Heal Your Community. The awareness of our inseparable connection brings home the influence of our well-being on the community and the well-being of the community on us. We are all in this together. When you heal, we heal.



  • … our story or understanding of something unexpectedly gets interrupted or overridden. For example, levitation is magic because it overrides what we know of gravity. When someone does something in an unexpected way we often claim that it’s magic because it goes against what we thought was possible. At BCA magic happens when healing takes us beyond what we thought were possible. Magic happens when we see and experience possibilities that we thought were out of reach. Magic happens when we change our stories of struggle and suffering to that of ease and thriving.



  • … We believe that easy things are a neglected yet essential part of health and healing. Easy things like taking a stroll by the lake, laughing with friends, taking a nap, singing a song, enjoying a good meal, taking a deep breath. Easy things like silence and stillness. Easy things that are not so easy anymore because we are spending so much of our time stressing and struggling that we’ve forgotten how to be easy. At BCA, we remind you of all the easy things you can do to put yourself at ease, which can be summed up as: Relax and Enjoy. Easy Peasy.



2025 Hours



Contact Us


Driving: via Interstate 80 / 580
Exit Highway 13 / Ashby Ave, left on Sacramento St.
Street parking available; watch for street sweeping restrictions.

BART: Ashby Station

AC Transit Buses: 88 & J
Exit Sacramento & Oregon Streets


BCA Practitioners

BCA Blog: Thuy’s Musings

