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BCA Podcast Circle — Ep.5 What Should I Eat?


Podcast Circle Details

Episode Focus: Ep.5 What Should I Eat?
Date: Friday, July 21st
: 5pm - 6:30pm PDT
Place: Zoom
Cost: By Donation / Free
Facilitators: Thuy; Podcast Guest Rosie; Moderator: Daniel

1. Attendees must register using the link below.
2. Attendees must have listened to the linked episode above.
3. Please read the Important Information section below.

Important Information

BCA Podcast Circles are intended to be healing circles inspired by You Are Medicine! podcasts to help deepen your connection to the topic, integrate learning, build community, inspire, promote healing and connect you to more resources.* As such, we request and trust you to attend with respect and openness. While we encourage authentic sharing and deep listening, we also encourage you to assess for yourself the degree of participation that feels comfortable for you. Podcast Circles are facilitated and moderated in accordance with general principles of respect, kindness, and collective well-being as determined by BCA.

All Podcast Circle meetings are recorded and may be used in later podcasts to support learning and healing. We will not use any recordings that include your voice and identity without your explicit permission.

*This is not a therapy circle and not intended to replace any psychotherapy, health care, medical or nutritional therapy services, or attempting to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any physical, mental or emotional issue, disease or condition. This is a group focused on discussing the contents of a podcast and its impact on wellness.

General structure of BCA Podcast Circles:
20 min–intro and brief synopsis of the podcast, sensitizing questions
50 min–Q & A, dialogue, sharing, discussions, ideas
20 min–wrapping things up, what’s next, connecting to resources